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"Hunger in India: What the Numbers Say and What the Government Claims"

     People in India are having a tough time, especially compared to their neighbours like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. This info comes from something called the Global Hunger Index, which ranks countries on how well they're dealing with hunger. Unfortunately, India ranks 111 out of 125, which means only 14 countries are doing worse.        Now, here's the puzzle: Is India worse off than its neighbours, or is something else going on? Some people think there might be a plan to make India look bad. To understand this better, we need to know more about the Global Hunger Index.      The Global Hunger Index is a report made by groups from Ireland and Germany. It's all about hunger and nutrition problems worldwide. And it doesn't have good news for India. The report says that 16.6% of people in India are undernourished, 3.1% of young kids die before they turn five, and 58.1% of young women have anaemia. Plus, India has the highest child-wasting rate, which is w
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