The second way to lose belly fat is actually to stop doing sit-ups or at least to stop only doing sit-ups. If you just do sit-ups all the time you're going to just burn fat from your belly is completely false. So if you want to be burning fat right getting rid of excess fat on the belly, you need to be making a big energetic demand on the body. The best way to do this is actually by working out the bigger muscle groups. Consider that your abdominal muscles are quite small compared to your leg muscles or your gluten muscles and those bigger muscle groups burn a lot of fat when you're working them. You want to make sure you're getting a good variety of different types of exercise and not just doing crunches. You want to be working out those larger muscle groups and doing full-body cardio because that's going to help your body to burn off that unwanted fat. Thirdly understand that if you're overworking your abdominal muscles and you're not giving them a chance to recover in between those workouts, you're creating a bigger problem in your abdomen.

Stop skipping meals a lot of us who are trying to lose weight kind of have this feeling that if we just ate less or if we just skipped a meal here and there, that we would end up eating fewer calories and losing more weight. But in fact, the opposite is true. When we talk about weight loss we often hear people talk about metabolism that's basically how quickly and how efficiently your body burns fat for fuel. The best way to boost your metabolism is to eat regularly scheduled meals. In many cases, it's difficult to eat at the same time every day, but minimally you don't want to skip meals and to restrict calorie again. Remember that the whole reason your body is holding on to that belly fat so stubbornly is because it's in this kind of stressed-out almost starvation mode, so the more that you calorie restrict the more that your body is going to cling on to that excess fat because it's trying to prevent you from starving to death. Eat regularly and don't skip your meals make sure that you're getting an adequate amount of nutrients not only the number of calories but the quality of those nutrients. You want to make sure you're eating a healthy diet and eating regularly to help create that environment where your body is going to burn fat rather than hold on to it for dear life.

Four, get some physical exercise every day. Low-intensity exercise like going for a walk or doing relaxing yoga is effective for helping you burn fat and if we also consider that first tip about stress again we can see where low-intensity exercise can be a double bonus because it's not going to be as stressful on the system as a more high-intensity type workout. A lot of people out there are they dread going to the gym they dread having to sweat and do some crazy workout. It is totally fine to do lower intensity stuff and the thing you want to remember is that if you do low intensity you just need to do a longer duration. The first 25 minutes of a low-intensity workout like walking is just burning off the sugar that's in your bloodstream and it's anything after 25 minutes where you start burning fat. Taking long walks doing yoga classes these are effective ways of helping you burn belly fat at being more active regularly. It’s also going to help you burn fat while you sleep not only because most of our fat burning occurs while we sleep but because when you are being physically active regularly, your body is just burning more energy even when you're being sedentary and who doesn't want that also. The more muscle mass that you have the more fat that all of those muscles are going to be burning so simply creating a more active lifestyle doing whatever it is you want to do that gets you active is going to be crucial.

Six is a really important one, it's about protein. One of the biggest mistakes that people make, who are trying to lose weight is eating too much protein rather than too little. It's recommended that you only need three to six ounces of protein at a single meal and consider that most people are eating significantly more protein than that so you must have protein at every meal. It's also important that you don't exceed those six ounces because over that amount protein starts becoming toxic when it breaks down in your body. So make sure it's at every meal make sure it's not too much and make sure it's high-quality because of most of those protein powders out there with soy protein isolate and whey protein. This is just trash in terms of quality.

Try to eat vegetables with every meal or at least as close to it as you can, so not only because vegetables have all these important nutrients that help your body do the functions it needs to do like burning fat but also because when you eat vegetables with your meal, it creates almost like a coating around that food. As it moves through your digestive tract it improves your body's ability to digest the meal you just ate it improves your body's ability to break down that protein that you ate. It slows the process of that meal moving through your digestive tract, so that meal will keep you feeling fuller longer.

The eighth way to bust that belly fat is simply to eat your meals more slowly. When you chew your food more thoroughly, you're going to release more digestive enzymes into the food. So literally you digest the food better the more that you chew it. Also understand that when we're eating fast or eating while we're doing something else, it's a stressful condition for the body. Thinking back to tip number one, about reducing stress a great way to do that is simply to have a slower meal.

The last tip is to try and keep your insulin levels low and to avoid spiking your blood sugar levels constantly throughout the day. This not only does sugar spike your insulin but refined carbohydrates like white bread and potato chips are just as bad. So trying to avoid those foods as much as possible especially when you're snacking things like healthy sources of fat all right nuts and avocados are good examples. They're going to have a minimal spike on your insulin so using healthy fats for your snacks is a great way to keep those insulin levels low between meals.
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