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5 Ways to improve your skin health

                                credit: third party image reference
Did you know your skin will turn over from bottom to top hundreds of times in your lifetime? Your body's largest organ is your skin and even though it may not be obvious that anything is happening. It is always there working for you growing new skin cells and shedding the old ones in a non-stop effort to protect you against the outside world. You need to remember to take care of it now so that you'll have healthy skin down the road.
                               credit: third party image reference
1) Chill out
You know that stress can make your skin more sensitive, reactive and inflamed. Not only can it ruin your complexion stress may also weaken your skin's ability to fight off irritants, allergens or microorganisms leading to sensitive skin or infections. So the next time you're feeling stressed out take a few deep cleansing breaths, get a massage or get some sleep whatever you can do to relax, may make you feel better and it'll improve the quality of your skin.
                               credit: third party image reference
2) Block it out
Block out the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays for the broad-spectrum sunscreen. Many sunscreens are far less effective than what's advertised because most people have been found to apply only a quarter to a half of the recommended amount. If we're not applying sunscreen evenly or thoroughly or reapplying after swimming or sweating, we're getting far less SPF than what the product contains. Blocking it out also means covering up with a hat.
                                  credit: third party image reference
3) Quit smoking 
Quitting smoking can prematurely age your skin leading it to become saggy and baggy. Smoking damages the collagen fibres in your skin which ordinarily make it firm and strong. The more you puff the more your skin gets rough.
                                 credit: third party image reference
4) Free radicals 
Free radicals from the Sun can age the skin quickly. Remember a healthy well-balanced diet can help build the raw materials for healthy skin. So take a multivitamin every day and load up on brightly coloured fruits and vegetables. Don't forget to drink plenty of water because severe dehydration can lead to poor skin elasticity.
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5) Cleanse and moisturize 
Cleanse and moisturize with the gentle fragrance-free soap or cleanser that won't dry out your skin. Oils as far as moisturizing goes to leave your skin soft. Don't run up your water bill. Five to ten minutes in the shower is more than enough time to re-hydrate your skin. Apply a thicker cream or ointment within a few minutes of finishing the shower, while your skin is still moist. Maybe you had a little too much fun in the Sun when you were younger and you want to know where you stand. Consider a skin cancer screening it's an opportunity for you and your dermatologist to work together to assess the level of skin health now and to think of ways to pay it forward to ensure healthy skin tomorrow.


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