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                             Image result for dandruff pics

                                  Dandruff is flaky dry skin cells that come from your scalp. So many people suffer from dry skin on their body and it's the same thing just it happens on your head. dandruff in itself is harmless but what causes it is worth looking into some people suffer from a condition called seborrhoeic dermatitis. This causes a combination of things like scaly dry patches, oily skin and it just flakes off like dandruff. This condition can also happen on other oily parts of the body. Massaging your hair every day increases blood flow to the scalp and it also helps with the normal shedding of skin plus it's relaxing. Shampooing your hair too often can lead to dryness in the scalp which in turn leads to dandruff.
                                                                      BBLUNT Back To Life Dry Shampoo for Instant Freshness, 125ml
                                    Dry shampoo enables to space out hair washing and in turn that leads to a happier healthier self to relieve your itchy dry scalp. You can purchase it over-the-counter anti-dandruff shampoo or treatment or you could go the more natural route which you can do some home remedies.
                            Image result for baking soda pics

                                           Baking soda is not only amazing for baking cookies, but it is also a powerful disinfectant. When it comes to cleaning anything including your scalp, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with water until you reach a paste-like consistency. Part your hair in sections spread the paste on your scalp and let it sit for five to 10 minutes before thoroughly rinsing the mixture out for best results. Repeat the procedure regularly once or twice a week.
                                                                St.Botanica Natural Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother Vinegar - 500 ml - Raw, Unfiltered, UnRefined
                                              Apple cider vinegar is a great home remedy for dandruff because it has probiotics and anti-inflammatory properties that kill viruses and needs that cause itchiness on the skin. Mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar with half a cup of water. Massage it well into your scalp and then leave it in for 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with cold water. Repeat this routine regularly every few days until you start seeing your results.

                                      Image result for lemon banana avocado

                                                    You can create the same mask with lemons as well as bananas and avocados which are a great dandruff treatment. They are both moisturizing reducing the flakes inflammation and dryness on the skull. Mash two bananas with one avocado and apply all over your scalp where it's itchy. Avocados are rich in antioxidants which keep the skin cells on your scalp happy and healthy while bananas are especially great for conditioning the scalp and hair, plus they smell yummy. Leave it in for at least 30 minutes rinse it up with cold water and repeat this regularly until the itchiness goes away.


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